Acupuncture Uses
Please refer to the chart below for a list of the common health problems we treat at the Ontario Migraine Clinic. This is by no means a complete list but will illustrate the effectiveness of acupuncture.
General Health | Eyes | Ear, Nose & Throat | Sports Therapy |
Skin & Nails | Head | Respiratory System | Nervous System & Psychiatric Disorders | Limbs & Musculature | Digestion | Cardiovascular System | Genitourinary & Gynaecology Disorders |
fatigue | weak eyesight | hay fever | tendonitis | acne | concussion | asthma | anxiety | fibrositis | ulcers | ischaemic heart disease | pelvic pain |
excessive perspiration | early cataract | rhinitis | muscle pulls/tears | wrinkles | post concussion symptoms | bronchitis | depression | muscular rheumatism | hyperacidity | rhythmic disorders | painful periods |
excessive sleep | retinitis | nose bleeding | cramps | sagging muscles | migraine | tracheitis | nervousness | sciatica | gastritis | angina pectoris | irregular periods |
travel sickness | tired eyes after reading | sneezing | spasms | alopecia | headaches | shortness of breath | phobias | lumbago | indigestion | chest pain | vaginal pain |
post operative weakness | pain in or around eyes | diminished sense of smell | promote proper mineral and electrolyte balance | itching | neuralgia | pulmonary congestion | insomnia | cramps | lack of appetite | fainting | hot flashes |
weight loss | conjunctivitis | sinusitis | increase mental preparation and stamina | eczema | epilepsy | recurrent colds | facial palsy | Raynauds | excessive appetite | palpitations | menopausal disorders |
blepharitis | tonsillitis | inflammation | urticaria | trigeminal neuralgia | coughs | shingles | edema | obesity | hypertension | ovarian pain | |
laryngitis balance | repetitive strain injuries | psoriasis | tics | epilepsy | carpal tunnel syndrome | bulimia | hypotension | mastitis | |||
loss of voice | fasciitis | herpes | spasms | trembling | neuralgia of shoulders and arms | flatulence | poor circulation | cystitis | |||
pharyngitis | improved recovery | skin allergies | trigeminal neuralgia | Tennis elbow | heartburn | lumbago | |||||
aphasia due to stroke | golfer's elbow | vomiting | bladder irritation | ||||||||
rheumatoid arthritis | hemorrhoids | lack of bladder control | |||||||||
osteoarthritis | nausea | prostate disorders | |||||||||
weakness or feeling of heavy limbs | liver dysfunction | ||||||||||
frozen shoulder | nausea and vomiting during pregnancy | ||||||||||
gout | diarrhea | ||||||||||
stroke | constipation | ||||||||||
muscular paralysis |
83 Mill Street, Suite 304, Georgetown ON L7G 5E9 (905) 702-0625